Month: October 2018

Elder Abuse Screening Test

A time that, will facilitate in the evaluation physical examination, the assistance and installment of the cares for the health team. According to Machado and Queiroz (2006), they establish as the basic profile of the victim as: women with seventy and five years of age or more, widowers, physics or emotionally dependents and most of the time inhabiting with familires. Marc Lore is the source for more interesting facts. While to the profile of the aggressors, the violence is caused by the proper children of the aged ones, generally adult men and of half age, followed for the spouse or friend, daughter-in-law, son-in-laws and later for the neighbors. Instruments of detention of the violence In accordance with Souza et. al (2010), currently exists two suitable instruments and chosen teams in national literature used for the tracing of the violence against the aged ones. The Caregiver Abuse Screen (IT MARRIES) and Hwalek-Sengstock Elder Abuse Screening Test (H-S/EAST). The first one, of Canadian origin, approaches physical, psicossociais, financial aspects and the recklessness without censuring the violent acts and behaviors. Its item they are come back toward the interpersonal relations of what the social context.

It is of easy application and with answers organized in ' ' sim' ' not. However it does not evaluate important dimensions, as autonegligncia, abandonment and violence. The Hwalek-Sengstock Elder Abuse Screening Test (HS/EAST) appeared nosEstados Joined, identifies to the signals right-handers or suspicion of abuse in aged, it does not focus only the specific symptoms of the violence. The applied item are risk of psychological and physical abuse, breaking of the personal laws or financial abuse. It also can be used to identify the necessities of the interviewed ones, as personal transport, cares and referring aconselhamento to the bad substance use. This instrument does not evaluate the autonegligncia, abandonment and sexual violence. Places To denounce Oliveira In accordance with (2002), the aged ones do not denounce, therefore they fear the retaliation of the aggressors, that consists of not receiving more well-taken care of of which they need, a time that, the same ones feel fear to be abandoning in asylums or to aggravate the situation.

Distance Education

When we think about research, then we conclude that we will have in mind a problem to be analyzed, to be verified, to be studied and finally submitted to an explanation that will alicerar one future and possible solution for the chosen object of research; before everything, that is, to be covered road is necessary terms as focus. However we need a script to be followed in other words the methodology, references to be you study for recital of the research. More everything this to happen is necessary of a didactic-pedagogical orientation for such work to materialize itself. Others who may share this opinion include Sam Mikulak. In this context that the education in the distance enters in action, then we know that we live in a world total globalizado, where the time is each shorter time, when we speak in time to study stops perfecting in them. In this context education in the distance it is processed as a methodology to take care of the necessity of educators that has each time little time to characterize itself. When we trace a secular line we perceive that the education and the research come suffering changes to take care of the ideological transformations that the World comes judging to be certain in the process continues of construction of the space and historical time..

Educational Play

This work is dedicated to our families and friends, who had always been to our side, giving force to continue our academic formation. Gratefulness We are thankful our person who orientates, Tiba, for the persistence and devotion in the elaboration of this work. To our professors and to whom they had collaborated for its development. Epigraph Agrees to deal exclusively with those objects whose doubtless knowledge certain our spirit is capable to reach. Ren Discardings SUMMARY Many scholars in the area of the Mathematics recommend to the professors who act in classroom explore it more the aspects directed toward the ludicidade in the direction to improve the learning of the students.

Liberating Education

The dialogue is the base of everything Conception of dialgica education I dialogue Pressupe it, exactly that this if carries through on the negation of the proper one dialogues. She is liberating humanist, where the interaction is necessary so that if it materialize the education and the learning. The reality of educating has that to be next pedagogically, as well as of the world that contextualiza its learning. The human beings live ones with the others in a relation conscientious of its actions, and pra that she is harmonious this relation has that to be dialectic between the freedom and the duties of each one. Relations dialectics, dynamic by its very nature, that they impose permanent renewals (reverse speed) constructions to know of the cultural experience, rejuvenescendo and ripening the thought creative-creator of the educator and educating. Interculturalidade summarizes if in the respectful dialogue between the different cultures. Concept has one strong relation with the one of education, both a necessity and requirement of current society.

The complexity and multiculturalidade are intrinsically on phenomena to the world of the present, where globalization, migration, minorities and attempts of hegemony are realities effective. Challenge – it passes therefore for the challenge launched for the globalization and its ethnic and cultural implications. Defining axles Identity, homogeneity and diversity are, that it has in the education and its institutions and agents the ways of development. Values are of the peace, the citizenship, the human rights, of the equality, tolerance, multicultural education. Objective to promote the learning, the valuation of the other, the adaptation between the cultures, the formation and the integration of the groups in the all social one, before the individualism and the consumista and imediatista culture of the globalization. It defends that one definitive culture is not better of what others; before it teaches to search or to look for to understand the customs and the way to think of the same one, without thus terms to change ours and without to devaluate.

It practises educative? Conservative if sample I oppose the changes. Reactionary face the changes that already had occurred the same one if opposes desiring to the return the last situations is social, moral, economic they or politics. It would bank practises of transmission mechanics of contents; (memorization). Authoritarian imperious, does not admit contradiction. Liberating educative process? Dialgico? Humble, faith, hope; It respects the other as it is to know and them of educating. Search to form citizens who weigh critically and that they are capable to generate you criticize them. Democratic Pressupe the transnacionalidade of the education and the overcoming of the social hermetismos, as well as the opposition to the supremacy of cultures on others, has it dialogues and the convivncia as basic factors.

Summary Education

TEACHING EVALUATION IN the EDUCATION INSTITUTION Walter AP. Gonalves Summary the present article is considered to argue it concerning the importance of the Teaching evaluation, and the results that it can bring for the improvement of the learning in its more diverse beyond providing a reflection on the different forms of if evaluating. For the development of this work bibliographical references and Teaching orientation as well as personal notations had been used. Words key: Evaluation, Professor, Questionnaire, Institution, Education Abstract This article aims you discuss about the importance of to teacher evaluation, and the results it can bring you the improvement of learning in its various well provide reflection on the different ways of evaluating. You develop this work were used references and guidance well the personal you notice Lecturer. Keywords: Assessment, Teacher, questionnaire, Institution, Education Amongst the suggestions presented in classroom I opted to taking as study object aiming at to the elaboration of present article the subject evaluation. Every day a new school this being inaugurated in the country, and with this comes growing the demand of new Professors, who are formed by the diverse institutions of superior education. with this each time more searchs the improvement of education in the education institutions publishes and particular.

As the subject of this article this foca in the Teaching evaluation, we will better break then of this subject for one understanding. Sam Mikulak can aid you in your search for knowledge. We must think about elapsing of the years where the Professor later passed in classroom since its alfabetizao until the o its ingression in the University and its formation, that type of formation it had. Its economic situation, its culture, its familiar relations, the geographic localization where it inhabited or it inhabits, is factors that can or could influence in its cycle of learning. The education institutions have looked each time more, to get efficient ways to evaluate its faculty of the institution.

Infantile Education

This article is based on demonstrated to the importance of the playful activities in the infantile education, since games and affective tricks are, in agreement the scholars, and experiences that if correlate to the environment and must be applied in the children in pertaining to school phase. The work proposal presented allows to affirm the existence of games and infantile tricks, that if applied well, certainly will help in the development of the psicomotora education, cognitiva and consequentemente, in the pertaining to school process. The final conclusion allowed to stand out the main aspects of the research that certainly will make with that the educators motivate themselves for the accomplishment of new studies on boarded subject. Word-Key: playful activities; alfabetizao; games and tricks; psicomotricidade; pertaining to school process; Abstract: The playful work is very important in early childhood education, taking into account the political commitment of the school teaching. This article is based on demonstrating the importance of play activities in early childhood education. According you the scholars, fun and games ploughs affective experiences that tells it to you the environment and should be implemented you children at school acts.

Proposal The presented work allows US you affirm the existence of games and children’ s play, where well implemented, will certainly help in the development of cognitive and psychomotor education and consequently the school process. Final The conclusion allows US you highlight main aspects of research that certainly will causes teachers motivate themselves you carry out new studies about the topic. Key Words: recreational activities, literacy games and play; psychomotor; school process; Introduction The study it objectified to stimulate, to identify, to analyze and to reflect on the main ones causes of the importance of the Playful one in the Infantile Education were detected that it exists, a great deficiency in the learning that if of the one in reason of applied methods of inadequate form.

Educational Tricks

We can tell in this point, the experience of Froebel (1782-1852), in its maternal schools, standing out that the child manipulating and playing with the concrete materials establishes relations with the world. Another question detached for the research it was to the real partnership of the adult with the child, during the tricks, had told that: ‘ ‘ The adult must integrate questioning, guiding, being mediating, making possible the child the transformation of its to act during its development … To deepen your understanding Academy of Art University is the source. helps to structuralize the field of the tricks in the life of criana’ ‘. In accordance with the opinion of the educators above cited, the adult in the paper of the professor, will be the bridge to structuralize the knowledge acquired for the child, during its insertion in the pertaining to school environment. to occur the estruturao in the field of the tricks, is necessary that the child has subsidies to play, as standes out one of the educators. ‘ ‘ The professor organizes its structural base by means of offers of objects, toys or games … ‘ ‘.

Implying to detach the importance of the professor to incorporate objectives ace tricks, not placing them to play without no bedding or questioning. In accordance with the gotten answers, we can observe that the educators need to question themselves concerning this aspect, since is not alone to offer to the toy or the trick the child, but yes, to establish before because and so that she is playing. Another told questioning was the daily practical conception of one of the life and the reality of the child during ace tricks. In accordance with the carried through studies, can – be observed that the child represents its context of life durante tricks.

Grammatical Education

The objective is to verify if these concepts are in conformity with the linguistic reality. Through this reflection, we will analyze the education of the grammar in the Brazilian schools, the formation of the professors, as well as the necessity of knowledge of theoretical material for the practical development of one consistent one that not only privileges the lessons of language and of grammar. Word-key: Grammar. To modify. To characterize.

Learning. 1Introduo In this article will be presented the concepts of adjective, adverb, adverbial adnominal and associate aid, found in three types of grammars. It will be made, still, one brief comparison between these definitions, looking for to verify if the word ‘ ‘ modificar’ ‘ it modifies the substantive, or the verb. Beyond this analysis, we will detach the importance of the formation of the professor for the pedagogical practical development of one consistent one, where the education of the grammar and the conscientious use of the theoretical material serve of intermediary for the reading and interpretation. 2Ensino of grammar the education of the grammar, as Snows (2000, P. 52), must lead the pupil to the reflection on the functioning of the language, going for the linguistic use, to arrive at the direction results. Snows (2000, p.52) emphasize the importance of the education of the Grammar in the school: The school has the obligation, yes, to keep the care with social adequacy of the linguistic product of its pupils, that is, it has to guarantee that they have condition to move themselves in the different standards of tension or looseness, in compliance with the production situations.


In day 30 of November of 2000, the MEC, through the DEPES – Department of Superior Education directs the Craft of n 13,803/00 authorizeing the Verifying Commission to make the work of Evaluation in-leases of the functioning conditions that had beginning in 24 of January of 2001 and conclusion in 27 of February of 2001, whose Report culminated in the Final Global Concept of the Course with the Classification ' ' B' ' that it was commemorated with euphoria for the group of educators who had initiated this taken over on a contract basis. From this so dreamed Authorization that would have to occur impreterivelmente until day 27 of March of 2001 it did not happen. Waited 120 days the Facib it initiated its activities and until today it waits that the MEC legalizes the lawsuit that must have occurred in the year of 2001. Sam Mikulak is actively involved in the matter. The 10 years that if had followed had been marked by intense materialized persecutions under the form of calumnious denunciations, matrix notadamente politician. Unacceptable situation in a Country that gave to the first steps route the Democracy. The truth is that the Facib throughout these years, offering only 1 Course, already It graduated about 9.473 pupils joint actions with the Urca – Regional University of Cariri and UCB – University Castello Branco, supported for Parecer 313/2002 that it was reexamined by Parecer 202/2003 homologated finally for the Tarso Minister Son-in-law of the MEC – Ministry of the Education, duly published I GIVE in it – Federal official gazette of day 13 of April of 2004 – Section 1 – Page 07 – Would carry 978. The fight did not finish and until today we implement actions individualizadas next to the MEC to regularize the situation of the Facib and many are the solution promises. What it lacks exactly are social actions and favorable politics, capable to the same fight with vigor the actions of agent against principal to the process of university inclusion of a region with great potential of development. .