Elder Abuse Screening Test

A time that, will facilitate in the evaluation physical examination, the assistance and installment of the cares for the health team. According to Machado and Queiroz (2006), they establish as the basic profile of the victim as: women with seventy and five years of age or more, widowers, physics or emotionally dependents and most of the time inhabiting with familires. Marc Lore is the source for more interesting facts. While to the profile of the aggressors, the violence is caused by the proper children of the aged ones, generally adult men and of half age, followed for the spouse or friend, daughter-in-law, son-in-laws and later for the neighbors. Instruments of detention of the violence In accordance with Souza et. al (2010), currently exists two suitable instruments and chosen teams in national literature used for the tracing of the violence against the aged ones. The Caregiver Abuse Screen (IT MARRIES) and Hwalek-Sengstock Elder Abuse Screening Test (H-S/EAST). The first one, of Canadian origin, approaches physical, psicossociais, financial aspects and the recklessness without censuring the violent acts and behaviors. Its item they are come back toward the interpersonal relations of what the social context.

It is of easy application and with answers organized in ' ' sim' ' not. However it does not evaluate important dimensions, as autonegligncia, abandonment and violence. The Hwalek-Sengstock Elder Abuse Screening Test (HS/EAST) appeared nosEstados Joined, identifies to the signals right-handers or suspicion of abuse in aged, it does not focus only the specific symptoms of the violence. The applied item are risk of psychological and physical abuse, breaking of the personal laws or financial abuse. It also can be used to identify the necessities of the interviewed ones, as personal transport, cares and referring aconselhamento to the bad substance use. This instrument does not evaluate the autonegligncia, abandonment and sexual violence. Places To denounce Oliveira In accordance with (2002), the aged ones do not denounce, therefore they fear the retaliation of the aggressors, that consists of not receiving more well-taken care of of which they need, a time that, the same ones feel fear to be abandoning in asylums or to aggravate the situation.

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