Young Education

The authors in such a way tell the heterogeneidade in the social scope how much in the professional scope existing in the groups of nocturnal average education, in the case, the EJA. if he cannot be unaware of that Brazil if detaches for presenting a sufficiently negative picture as for the escolaridade of the young population, therefore presents inferior indices very the countries with equal level of economic development. (Nsia Trindade Rasp, 2004, P. 95) According to Nsia, (2004, p.95) lack of escolaridade on the part of the young Brazilians is consequence of absence of one politics that prioritizes professional education integrated the Young Education of Adult. Therefore the uncertainty of the professionalization makes adult young pupils to vacate the classrooms. It is very overwhelming to know that the young and adults of our society if feel soldiers on barrack duty to usufruct of the school, who if feel distant very of the professionalization, that abandon the schools for these reasons and that the Brazilian education can cure this problem. Dalila (2004, P.

169) standes out: We are impotent ahead of the constatao of that the young that works if sees soldiers on barrack duty to usufruct the school and of that the young poor persons whom they insist on studying find serious difficulties to conciliate study and work. (Dalila Andrade de Oliveira, 2004, P. 169). Very interesting what Jane Paiva said, (2004, P. 209): As modality that is of the education basic, the EJA cannot be thought as it offers lesser, nor worse, nor less important. It is important to point out mainly that the Young Education of Adult is so important for the population in general how much any another modality of education, if it will be interacting with the professional education. Therefore she is through the professional education that the individual gets the capacity to become fullfilled itself and to feel itself independent before the society where he is inserted.

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