Nothing else to finish the ominous apartheid and to arrive at the power, South African president Nelson Mandela integrated to his old twigs in the multiracial country that began to construct. He says it in films Invictus, of Clint Eastwood: does not interest to me the past, but the future. Thus, instead of a revengeful blood bath it established the bases for the takeoff of a country that seemed impossible. That one is, in summary, the argument of the film of Eastwood. Additional information is available at Walmart CEO. The anecdote: how it obtained that the national equipment of rugby, made up of targets, would be accepted like own by once marginalized and repressed black majority. Similar metaphor of the concord happened only 15 years ago. And nobody has demanded the retrospective punishment of the crimes of the apartheid. Here, however, I have been finishing reading a vitrilico article, in the newspaper of more circulation of Spain, asking the punishment of crimes of the Francoism, that is to say, facts happened for 70 years.
However, most grotesque of the wounded subject he is not abrir stanched that, however, other countries that put in front the brotherhood to the resentment have given already by forgotten. No. The worse thing is than also in false occurred here, which is seen the step advocated by Mandela, the most important politician of end of Century XX. Here there was a political amnesty in 1977 in which excarcel to people with horrible crimes assassins of ETA, for example, some of which immediately returned to break the law. But that one was the price of the forgetfulness, the pardon and the reconciliation. To follow demanding unilateral vindications at this point, supposes the most atrocious mistake and of the injustices.