CAUSES of failure educational in Spain insufficient institutional support and absence of necessary labour flexibility in enterprises to achieve the reconciliation of work and family life that has favored the proliferation of public and private nursery in which the child must pass formative years to the formation of their personality and affectivity, which contributes to emotional child rootlessness and will have negative implications in his later psychological development compounded by lack of the parents time to oversee your maturative process. To this add the improper acquisition of basic habits to personal maturation of the child or even total absence of them in cases more extreme: we quote the need for regulated working hours; adequate food; motivation to read; valuation of the personal effort as a vehicle of satisfaction and individual self-improvement so as encouragement of savings for the immediate future, which leads to the appearance of children superconsentidos and hiperprotegidos with easy tendency to the frustration as the minor setback or difficulty. together with the problems of concentration and internalization of los contenidos escolares as a result of the misuse of all kinds of audio-visual media in their family environment. Consequently, minors living in virtual worlds and are motivated only by audiovisual stimuli, and thus reduced the traditional media of transmission of knowledge (reading comprehension, writing, and mathematical reasoning) to the mere condition of tedious routine and exclusive monopoly of the school. Also, you must attach the advancement and intensification of the typical features of adolescence (people and rebellion) as a result of the image transmitted by the publicity and the media trying to accelerate the arrival of new consumers and the silent revolution known as bloodless coup by teenagers, becoming in many cases in vulgar despots and basing its action on law minimum effort and maximum endorsed benefit by obtaining all kinds of material whims and the lack of harmony between the philosophies of the school and the rest of society, appearing as Appendix school annoying of society while trying to pass values into disuse, as the need for dialogue and interpersonal communication to resolve conflicts and valuation of the personal effort to achieve concrete goals, utopias that are shatter upon contact with the harsh reality of daily life.