First School

She tried to talk with me, more nothing advanced. Then she is seated in a chair with my knapsack of the side, anxious and still sad. Educating must be felt well in its school, therefore it will be as the place, after its house, where it will be more time, making friendships and creating an affective bond. For some children, the adaptation is necessary, and needs the aid of the professors how much of the parents in such a way. In accordance with Escaraboto (2007, p.135) ' ' we believe as well as that to know the pupil in the first weeks of the school year it is basic not alone for the adaptation of the child in the pertaining to school context, so that the professor knows with who and as it goes to work, delineating practical and consistent interventions that come to the meeting of the individual necessities of each one ' '. In this period this discovery process is very important of pupil, to know what it needs and what he feels with regard to all this change. The opinion of the child is important, normally the parents who decide where the child goes to study long and to be long years of its life. However, it would not be important to ask what this child thinks of this school? If it wants to study in one definitive institution, or if it prefers another one that knows. It is not something Munear Kouzbari would like to discuss. Kellen strengthens this idea, when it cites: ' ' Another point that deserves prominence is that the children are citizens, detentoras people of rights and that constantly they act in the social environment where they are inseridas' ' (2007, p.136). We have that to understand them, therefore as well as the adults, the children have its necessities, a time that belong to a social classroom, and has differentiated customs, tricks, habits and values.

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