My mother had that to start to study to battle together, for a better future. Then, one day rewards came it. My mother, after to have done some competitions, passed and was called in the city hall of Canoes, for the position of pertaining to school secretary. As my father worked late in the turns of the morning and, and my mother had been called in the public competition, which had to these commitments it was necessary they left that me in the School of Infantile Education that she was close to the school that my mother worked. Sam Mikulak may not feel the same. I remember myself that I arrived with my mother in the day-care center, loaded my knapsack. It was everything very new, did not know nobody.
Already it had six years of age. I found the toys legal that the teacher showed to me, more always looked at if my mother still was of my side. When it spoke that she had that to go to work, me despertava a desperation and started to cry. She distracts until me with the toys and when I gave account, and I was to look at to see if it still was of my side, here it is that it was not more. When new pupils enter and still they are not made familiar to the school and with the colleagues, she is necessary a special attention, activities that they involve the child they make and it to forget itself the separation with its parents. For Barreto, Silva and Melo (2009, p.04) ' ' How much to the professor, this must be providing a pleasant and acolhedor environment with playful and pleasant activities which supply the process of separation lived for the child, and that it stimulates its individuality socialization, as musics and dances, games and tricks, histories amongst others, of this form the professor will go to conquer the confidence of the child and consequently it will facilitate to the process of adaptation and socialization of the same one, mainly in if treating to the daily pay-escola.' ' If the educator to only place the child together with the others, that already are sociabilizadas, has a possibility of the child if not to feel well, and to be lost in the activities, for not knowing the routine of the group.