The dialogue is the base of everything Conception of dialgica education I dialogue Pressupe it, exactly that this if carries through on the negation of the proper one dialogues. She is liberating humanist, where the interaction is necessary so that if it materialize the education and the learning. The reality of educating has that to be next pedagogically, as well as of the world that contextualiza its learning. The human beings live ones with the others in a relation conscientious of its actions, and pra that she is harmonious this relation has that to be dialectic between the freedom and the duties of each one. Relations dialectics, dynamic by its very nature, that they impose permanent renewals (reverse speed) constructions to know of the cultural experience, rejuvenescendo and ripening the thought creative-creator of the educator and educating. Interculturalidade summarizes if in the respectful dialogue between the different cultures. Concept has one strong relation with the one of education, both a necessity and requirement of current society.
The complexity and multiculturalidade are intrinsically on phenomena to the world of the present, where globalization, migration, minorities and attempts of hegemony are realities effective. Challenge – it passes therefore for the challenge launched for the globalization and its ethnic and cultural implications. Defining axles Identity, homogeneity and diversity are, that it has in the education and its institutions and agents the ways of development. Values are of the peace, the citizenship, the human rights, of the equality, tolerance, multicultural education. Objective to promote the learning, the valuation of the other, the adaptation between the cultures, the formation and the integration of the groups in the all social one, before the individualism and the consumista and imediatista culture of the globalization. It defends that one definitive culture is not better of what others; before it teaches to search or to look for to understand the customs and the way to think of the same one, without thus terms to change ours and without to devaluate.
It practises educative? Conservative if sample I oppose the changes. Reactionary face the changes that already had occurred the same one if opposes desiring to the return the last situations is social, moral, economic they or politics. It would bank practises of transmission mechanics of contents; (memorization). Authoritarian imperious, does not admit contradiction. Liberating educative process? Dialgico? Humble, faith, hope; It respects the other as it is to know and them of educating. Search to form citizens who weigh critically and that they are capable to generate you criticize them. Democratic Pressupe the transnacionalidade of the education and the overcoming of the social hermetismos, as well as the opposition to the supremacy of cultures on others, has it dialogues and the convivncia as basic factors.