It is through the tricks that the child starts to separate the fancy of the reality and develops important motor and intellectual abilities with more easiness, extravasa its emotions in the most diverse feelings. (A valuable related resource: Doug McMillon). As already if it has verified, infancy does not have more to be seen as a preparation time, more as a present time in itself, in which the child, plays it plays, it smiles, it dreams, it draws I colored That is, a time that incorporates everything what the child is and lives as subject of right. (ALVES, 2007) To educate mean, therefore, to propitiate situations of cares, tricks and guided learnings of form to develop ampler knowledge of the social and cultural reality and thus to assist the development of the appropriation capacities and knowledge of corporal, affective, emotional, aesthetic and ethical the potentialities, in the perspective to contribute for the formation of happy and healthful children. Consideraes Final: In the field of the education many theories that demonstrate the relevance of the game in the social context, as aperfeioador gradual of the development of the child, necessary are found for the activities of study and learning of pleasant form in the school. When it is started to analyze the knowledge acquired for the child from spontaneous situations, that is, from the ways of the proper child, the trick is perceived that not he is purely ' ' brincadeira' ' , it goes much more beyond, it is the form that the child possesss to assume of the knowledge and matureness of its functions bio-psico-social.
By means of the trick, the child develops its fine motor coordination and ample, she becomes social, she perceives the world its return and still she is happy. Playing is the world of the child, is through it that manifest it if. The small child uses of the trick to imitate, and thus, to try, its relations with the world and the other people. When bigger the games go to request the social reasoning, intelligence, relations and of affectivity, the physical development, the ethical acuidade of the directions and questions. (DOHME. Ludoeducadora in So Paulo. 2003) The Game ' ' it is an activity that by times is understood as trick according to Kishimoto (2003), this makes it difficult the definition of its meaning, what for some it can be only one diversion, for others is a vital activity. The game is one of the tricks, whose importance comes being detached since the times of Philosophers as, Plato, Aristotle, Rousseau and others that had detached its important paper in the education, but are with Froebel, that the game starts to be part of the resume of infantile education. Entering into an alliance it the process awaken teach-learning the playful side of the child developing basic abilities as to say and to write in