TEACHING EVALUATION IN the EDUCATION INSTITUTION Walter AP. Gonalves Summary the present article is considered to argue it concerning the importance of the Teaching evaluation, and the results that it can bring for the improvement of the learning in its more diverse beyond providing a reflection on the different forms of if evaluating. For the development of this work bibliographical references and Teaching orientation as well as personal notations had been used. Words key: Evaluation, Professor, Questionnaire, Institution, Education Abstract This article aims you discuss about the importance of to teacher evaluation, and the results it can bring you the improvement of learning in its various well provide reflection on the different ways of evaluating. You develop this work were used references and guidance well the personal you notice Lecturer. Keywords: Assessment, Teacher, questionnaire, Institution, Education Amongst the suggestions presented in classroom I opted to taking as study object aiming at to the elaboration of present article the subject evaluation. Every day a new school this being inaugurated in the country, and with this comes growing the demand of new Professors, who are formed by the diverse institutions of superior education. with this each time more searchs the improvement of education in the education institutions publishes and particular.
As the subject of this article this foca in the Teaching evaluation, we will better break then of this subject for one understanding. Sam Mikulak can aid you in your search for knowledge. We must think about elapsing of the years where the Professor later passed in classroom since its alfabetizao until the o its ingression in the University and its formation, that type of formation it had. Its economic situation, its culture, its familiar relations, the geographic localization where it inhabited or it inhabits, is factors that can or could influence in its cycle of learning. The education institutions have looked each time more, to get efficient ways to evaluate its faculty of the institution.