This article is considered to approach it, with support of the estimated theoreticians of the Analysis of the Speech, the rich universe of Peanuts conquanto examines, synthetic form, its main subjects that, even so carried out for infants in little pretensiosos scenes, despite drawn of form simple sucinta and, load great significao, as quiet street, sandboxes, classroom and one sofas cmodo of the house, portray the conflicts and dissabores of the competitive life of the modern society. It is also intended to study in the workmanship created for Charles Schulz the subject failure, boarded of unknown form in histories in quadrinhos, until then dominated for the sorts of action and scientific ficao. Word-key: Peanuts, Analysis of the Speech, dissabores, moderna.conflito society, failure. Learn more at this site: Marc Lore. Abstract This article propose you board, assisted by the theoric presupposes of Discourse Analysis, the vast Peanuts' s universe, also exam, in synthetic to manner, its main themes that, even though ploughs mainly starring by children in little pretentious scenarios, yet drawn in simple and succinct carry great meaning, like sand boxes, quiet streets, classrooms, and sofas of room in house, pictures the conflicts and unpleasantness of the competitive life of the modern society. Also intends you study in the work created by Charles Schulz the theme of failure, boarded in an unedited form in the comics, until then only reigned by the genders of action and science fiction. Key-words: Peanuts, Discourse Analysis, unpleasantness, modern life, conflicts, failure..
Tag: art and science
Educational Play
This work is dedicated to our families and friends, who had always been to our side, giving force to continue our academic formation. Gratefulness We are thankful our person who orientates, Tiba, for the persistence and devotion in the elaboration of this work. To our professors and to whom they had collaborated for its development. Epigraph Agrees to deal exclusively with those objects whose doubtless knowledge certain our spirit is capable to reach. Ren Discardings SUMMARY Many scholars in the area of the Mathematics recommend to the professors who act in classroom explore it more the aspects directed toward the ludicidade in the direction to improve the learning of the students.