Tag: health

IRIS Pressure

Eye doctors recommend an annual investigation, an investigation but at least every three years. Also, who operates already eye care through proper nutrition and avoiding stress, such as cigarette smoke, improper work on the computer screen, not enough sleep, dry heating air and draughts, may not waive the despite all regular examinations by the ophthalmologist. Eye doctors recommend an annual investigation, an investigation but at least every three years. So a study includes a measurement of intraocular pressure (tonometry) and an eye test. A measurement of the internal pressure of the eye is called the green stars, even glaucoma screening. The eye pressure or intraocular pressure or medical tensio is the physical pressure on the inside wall of the eye. Through him the distance between the cornea, lens and retina remains the same the corneal surface consistently smooth curved, getting the orientation of the photo receptors on the retina evenly and the spherical shape of the eyeball. The intraocular pressure is regulated by the water of Chamber of, It is formed by the epithelium of the ciliary body.

It passes through the pupil into the anterior Chamber of the eye, where it again flows out on the trot disgust work of the Chamber angle through the blood channel into the venous system shunt between IRIS and lens of the eye. The intraocular pressure thus arises from the relationship between inflow and outflow of the water of Chamber. If the intraocular pressure is increased, because there is a mismatch between the inflow and the outflow of water of of Chamber of, which damages the optic nerve. This can lead to visual disturbances such as field failures up to total blindness. In the early stages, the Green star causes no pain. Therefore, a regular measurement of intraocular pressure for early detection is vital. The normal intraocular pressure is between 10 and 21 mmHg.

For the measurement, there are different procedures, which are all covered by the term tonometry. Nowadays the intraocular pressure is for a defined mechanical flattening usually either with a month after Goldman determined, where the force is measured, the anesthetized cornea is necessary, or he determines where the flattening of the cornea is measured by a puff of air with a non-contact measurement by means of non-contact tonometry. An additional older method is the Impressionstonometrie, where with a Schiotz Tonometer is checked and how deep a metal PIN through a precisely defined weight eindellt cornea. Because the intraocular pressure in the course of the day can vary, multiple, distributed over the day measurements may be required to create a so-called day-pressure profile. In addition to the measurement of the internal pressure of the eye, the eye doctor makes an eye test, which verifies the Visual acuity of the eyes. It verifies both near vision (for example to read) and views (such as driving a car). While the patient reads characters from a Panel. If the patient can not properly recognize especially the smaller characters, the eye doctor decide whether the eye care in this case includes wearing a pair of glasses.

Eye Care: Avoid Stress

Eye care begins with the right diet eye care begins with the right diet, but the proper diet alone is not enough of course to the eye care. Who smoke ought to get off as quickly as possible the smoking, because the many harmful substances in cigarette smoke are not only poison for the lungs, but also for the eyes. Smokers have to take many vitamins, to at least partially to compensate for the damage caused by smoking. But that may be only a temporary solution, because smoking damages the eyes just so how it destroyed the rest of the body. Who wants to sink into the grave not early (and possibly long blind), will not fail to come to quit. Contact information is here: NBA.

Also long working or playing on a computer screen can stress heavily the eyes. Who are still a CRT monitor has, it should now fire, than be flicker and to some extent also his monitor radiation levels are problematic for the eyes. A flat screen not flickers and emits no radiation and is therefore in any case than a CRT monitor. By fibrillation, especially CRT monitors with less than 70 Hz. irritate the eyes. For even more opinions, read materials from Doug McMillon.

A CRT monitor should at least 85 Hz. or more, then he can already be considered flicker-free. At best, he should have over 110 Hz. Best of all for the eyes, a flat screen is of course as said. For CRT monitors tend not only to the flicker, but give also harmful radiation, which will be shot according to the principle of the thing right in the eye. A CRT monitor firing electrons on a layer of phosphor or similar to phosphorescent material, so that this is encouraged to light up. This radiation does not stop at the light layer of course, but is inevitably absorbed by the eyes of each possible observer. But who is also working on a flat screen, regularly maintain eye relaxation exercises do: A few minutes see relaxed in the distance. Slowly, the eyes open and close. Quick blink in succession for at least ten seconds. With the eyes roll. You should also now and then vary the distance to the screen and do not forget the blink before sheer concentration: only continuous blink can keep the cornea moist. Adequate sleep is also essential for healthy and complaint-free eyes. The human need for sleep varies individually for different people. It varies with the age and the circumstances. Who but for a long time only five hours or less per day sleeps, needs not to be surprised about burning and aching eyes. 7-8 hours sleep a day or better nightly are optimal for most people. Finally you should avoid if possible dry air and cold drafts to the eye care.

Quickly Immune

One swears on resilience, the other on a balanced diet, and still others on the pill from the pharmacy. How can they strengthen the immune system? It is slowly getting colder. Unfortunately it rains more often. The summer has left us long ago and the autumn shows his familiar face. The first colds have already obtained the acquaintances and circle of friends. High time to do something for its own defense forces. Because a cold can finally use nobody. But there are Yes a lot of ideas and alleged miracle cure, as it could strengthen the immune system.

Doctors explain what really helps and what can be described only as placebo. Let’s first of all the physicians to words. What is the immune system and what does it? The immune system consists of various cells and soluble factors that repel pathogens and tumour cells”, Hajo Haase (Institute for Immunology at the University Clinic of RWTH Aachen University) describes our immune system. Immune cells are a Defense mechanism against all foreign”, explains Karsten Kruger (Institute of Sport Science at the University of Giessen). “And yet are complemented: the immune system is like the police, patrol run must.” by Prof.

Stefan Meuer (Director of the Institute of Immunology at the University of Heidelberg). How can one strengthen the immune system but now in preparation for the rainy autumn and cold winter? Jump naked into the Cold Lake? Frequent saunas? Regularly consume whey drinks? Currently, the experts must admit the science understand too little of it, to take a specific influence on the body’s natural defences. However, it is indisputable that the diet have an effect on the immune. But a hardening off ‘ have no scientifically provable positive effect on the immune system. All in all there is probably three key factors that affect the immune system. Mostly, these influencing factors can be controlled even by us. The first Factor I mentioned earlier. It is the balanced diet. Who thinks this to Grandma’s chicken soup, I’d said that it may have only a very short-term positive effect. The body gets nutrients, salt and heat. The body needs copper, iron or vitamins such as A, C, D and for a functioning immune system. Factor of two is physical movement. Moderate exercise, so swimming, cycling or jogging strengthens the immune system regardless of rain, snow or Sun”, sports physician Kruger says. We assume that we irritate the immune system a bit with each training and thereby stimulate. Then, it works better. “, complements this approach Haase. Factor three is the modern problem of life and trigger of a wide range of diseases of civilization: stress. The mind has an effect on the immune system should not be underestimated. When permanently sustained stress, the body pour more cortisol. This in turn suppresses the immune system. Psychological well-being is therefore very important. “, concludes Maharjan. So, can at least up to a certain extent, affect three essential factors for a good or bad defense itself and thereby strengthening the immune system. Best yet, before winter comes! The information used in this news release, as well as the collected facts and figures are based on the post “one swears on resilience, the other on a balanced diet, and still others on the pill from the pharmacy. How can they strengthen the immune system? “.” This article, the physician to Word allows, what really helps the own immune system, found his first publication on the blog “Health portal”.