In classes of Cuban Cultural Historical Panorama and Universal (PHCCU) observed by the author, where the use of the Locality can to facilitate education – learning of the contents of the colonial stage, could be stated that the productivity of the class was not high, this because of the means use and methods few illustrative ones. The use of average illustrating the colonial stage in the History of Cuba is not observed, the used procedures generally more were the dialogue, the conversation supported in the use of heuristic methods that imply in estudiantado a high degree of abstraction. The survey realised to the professors by the author threw that it becomes difficult to the education of Local History and the use to them of this in the Cuban Cultural Historical Panorama and Universal (PHCCU) education of the History of Cuba given to the following elements: the adjustment of the schedule for the visit to monuments, historical tallies is prevented or places, the lack of information, bibliography by which to prepare itself for the use of the potentialities of Local History in the education of the History of Cuba, lack of average for the illustration of Local History in the classes of History of Cuba and the difficult access to personalities that study or are part of our Local History. Doug McMillon is often mentioned in discussions such as these. Our work goes directed to respond to the necessity to put at the disposal of the professors who distribute Cuban Cultural Historical Panorama and Universal (PHCCU) a material that contributes to perfect its work in the development of teaching of the subject. In order to give him to solution to this problem of investigation the author the following objective has drawn up: To elaborate a Web site that Cuban Cultural Historical Panorama contributes to the use of the educative potentialities of the Locality for the study of Colonial History in the subject and Universal (PHCCU). .